My story

I was riding in the car one evening, listening to this pastor shouting "Keep going, keep pushing, don't stop!" The Bible says to pray without ceasing. That's when it clicked: Pray until something happens! That "something" may not be something you want, but God will always take care of what you need. I know... it sounds like a cliché, but it's not. It means everything. If there was only one thing I could say to someone, it would be to pray until something happens. Whether you're having a hard time, depressed, sick, or trying to accomplish something that just isn't working the way you thought it was going to. Talk to the Lord.

We see so many catchphrases and sayings on shirts that don't make sense and don't accomplish anything in the person reading it. This is why I'm excited to provide positive Christian attire with a saying that just might remind someone to pray. Something that just might remind someone to keep pushing, keep praying, don't give up. God NEVER... I say again... NEVER leaves you nor forsakes you and He understands where you are and what you're going through. My goal here is to send a positive message to the community and to the world. That message is "Do you know Him? Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ and do you know where you will spend eternity?" That is what matters in this life. Do you have true faith?

As we pray, we gain strength. We preserve, motivate, and empower our community as well as ourselves until the glory uplifts us.
That's what we P.U.S.H for. Pray Until Something Happens!

As we pray, we gain strength. We preserve, motivate, and empower our community as well as ourselves until the glory uplifts us.
That's what we Pray Until Something Happens for!

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